Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Vintage flower bag

I thought I'd share this little pattern for a bag which I designed over the weekend. Hope you enjoy it!


2x balls of Rowan Siena in colour A
2x balls of Rowan Siena in colour B.

2.5 mm hook.


To work a 3 treble cluster:

*Yarn round hook, put hook through chain space, yarn round hook, pull yarn through chain space, yarn round hook, pull through first two loops on hook** (one loop remaining on hook). Repeat from * to ** noting that with each repeat you will have gained an extra loop on your hook at the end. Work 3 repeats in total for a 3 treble cluster, and work 5 repeats in total for a 5 treble cluster.

Motif instructions

Chain 4, join into a ring using a slip stitch.

Round 1: Chain 5 (forms first treble and 2 chain). Working into the centre of the ring work *1 treble, chain 2 – repeat from * 4 times more. End by slip stitching into 3rd of 5 chain worked at start of round. You should now have 6 chain spaces.

Round 2: Work 1 *3 treble cluster, 3 chain, 1 3 treble cluster into first chain space (so you’re working 2 treble clusters into each of the 6 chain spaces). Chain 3 repeat from * to end of round, ending with a 3 chain and slip stitch into top of first 3 treble cluster

Round 3: Work 1 *5 treble cluster into first chain space. Chain 5, repeat from * to end of round, working 1 5 treble cluster into each chain space. End round with 5 chain and slip stitching into top of first 5 treble cluster of the round.

Round 4: Chain 4 into first chain space. Continuing to work in 1st chain space, work 2 double trebles, 2 chain, 4 double trebles. This forms the first corner of the motif. *Work 4 trebles into next chain space, then 4 trebles into next chain space. Work 4 double trebles, 2 chain, 4 double trebles into next chain space. Repeat from to end of round. Finish round by slip stitching into top of 4 chain from start of round.

Make 6 motifs for each bag panel.

Making up body of bag
Double crochet edges of motifs together to join to form a square. When you have joined enough motifs to form the first side, work a round of double crochet around the entire edge of that side. 

Work 2 rows of treble crochet across one edge – this will form the opening edge of the bag.

Repeat the process on the motifs for the second side of the bag.
To join the 2 sides to form the body of the bag, holding the two sides together with wrong sides facing inwards, double crochet the sides together around three of the edges (the fourth edge of left open). 

Work 1 row of double crochet around the opening of the bag. 

Handles – make 2

Chain 121. Work 1 dc in 2nd chain from hook. Work 1 dc into each chain to end. Chain 1 and turn. Work a further 5 rows of dc then fasten off.

Attach the handles to the bag inside the opening.


  1. This is just gorgeous, and the colours work beautifully.....its going on my (very long) to do list!! Thank you so much for the pattern :0)

  2. I love this pretty bag Jen, and I'll be having a go at it soon! Thanks so much for the pattern, and well done once again!
    Joy x

  3. Śliczna torba!!! Pozdrawiam serdecznie

  4. Suddenly your blog is all in a fancy script font and I can't read a thing :(

  5. This is beautiful - wonderful work! I'm using this motif to make a blanket out of lavender and plum purple yarn.

  6. However did I miss this post?
    The bag is gorgeous. Thank you so much for taking the time to share the instructions.

  7. So, after you follow the treble cluster instructions, do you then pull the yarn through all 4 loops on the hook? It doesn't say, but I'm trying that since it doesn't seem to make sense without that step...

    1. Hi there, yes, it sounds like you are doing it correctly.


  8. just found this shower gifts needed! Off to Hook! thank you

  9. Thank you! This square is lovely :)

  10. Can you tell me how big an individual granny square works out to be?

  11. This is just beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Planning to do this as my next project.

  12. I am making a king size afghan will post pics when done. Love this motif

  13. I am making a king size afghan will post pics when done. Love this motif


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